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  • Laura amy schlitz authorization code.

    Laura amy schlitz authorization

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  • Laura amy schlitz biography
  • Laura amy schlitz authorization letter
  • Schlitz, Laura Amy


    Female. Education: Goucher College, B.A. (aesthetics). Hobbies and other interests: Theatre, reading, music, crafts.


    Home—Baltimore, MD.

    [email protected].


    Librarian, storyteller, and author. Park School, Baltimore, MD, lower school librarian; professional storyteller.

    Awards, Honors

    Great Lakes Good Books Award for Nonfiction, for The Hero Schliemann; Judy Lopez Honor Book designation, 2006, and Cybils Award for Children's Literature in Middle-School Fiction Category, 2007, both for A Drowned Maiden's Hair; Cybils Award for Poetry nomination, School Library Journal Best Books designation, and Booklist Editor's Choice designation, all 2007, and Newbery Medal, Association for Library Service to Children, 2008, all for Good Masters!

    Sweet Ladies!


    A Drowned Maiden's Hair: A Melodrama, Candlewick Press (Cambridge, MA), 2006.

    The Hero Schleimann: The Dreamer Who Dug for Troy, illustrated by Rober