Bishop jerry maynard nashville
Bishop jerry maynard nashville
Bishop jerry maynard of the cogic...
BISHOP JERRY MAYNARD is a member of the General Board of the Church of God in Christ, the highest governing body in the denomination.
He is also the prelate of the Fourth Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction of Tennessee and serves as the pastor of Cathedral of Praise Church of God in Christ in Nashville, TN, and New Highway Church of God in Christ in Memphis, TN. With over 50 years in ministry, he continues to positively impact lives, delivering a message that encourages individuals to maximize their potential across the nation.
Bishop Maynard, a native of Indiana, served as Director of the Muncie Indiana
Human Rights Commission from , a member of the Indiana and United States Civil Rights Commission from , and the President’s Domestic Policy Committee from He is the recipient of the highest civilian award of the state of Indiana, “Sagamore of the Wabash.” A noted speaker, Bishop Maynard has lectured at Ball State University, Taylor