Bess levin dealbreaker biography
Bess levin dealbreaker biography images.
Bess levin dealbreaker biography
My Brilliant Career: Bess Levin
There came a point last fall when financial blogger Bess Levin had to post a disclaimer to her devoted sources, many of whom were employed by Wall Street's most powerful hedge funds, banks, and brokerage houses.
The 25-year-old editor of, the financial industry's online tabloid that reports on corporate scandals and insider gossip, some of which she overhears at happy hour in the finance world's watering holes, has become a mustread on Wall Street.
Posting nine times a day, she's been known to scoop the mainstream business media and retains a fiercely loyal following who seem to have an infinite appetite for her biting, off-kilter commentary about the money business— you don't see The Wall Street Journal running headlines like "Neil Barofsky Will Cut a Bitch" or "Spotted: Ruth Madoff Getting Her Tan On."
"I don't take any shit from them," Levin says of her subjects, who range from interns to CEOs