The god theory by bernard haisch

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    Somewhere between the hardcore reductionists who explain all things as merely the sum of their parts and greet every suggestion of spirituality with a sneer, and the unquestioning faithful who receive their beliefs full-blown from prophets and preachers, lie the skeptical but open-minded free thinkers curious to investigate their own nature and purpose in life.

    The god theory by bernard haisch

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  • Are you one of them?

    Readable and engaging… ways of reconciling science and religion.
    — Patricia Monaghan, American Library Association

    A delightful romp through the labyrinths of philosophy, theology, and science.… very smart, very literary, very thrilling — a fine read.

    — Dr. Larry Dossey, author of Space, Time and Medicine

    Whether one will agree or disagree, powerful arguments are presented for one to consider.
    — Edgar Mitchell, Apollo 14 Astronaut Lunar Module Pilot

    Bernard Haisch, an astrophysicist whose work has been reported in this magazine… also trained